Monday, 5 February 2018

Week 2 : Find Title for Final Year Project

OBJECTIVES : 1. To find a project title related to my course and suitable for my degree level.

            2. To propose the title of the project to my supervisor.

METHOD : 1.  Brain storm the problem and idea for final year project that suitable for latest technology needs.

         2. Identify our environment and came up with an improvement that may help to produce latest and user friendly.

         3. I listed down a few titles for my project.


                  Picture 2: List of titles for fyp.

ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION : After doing some researches, a proposed to save  the usage of electricity of charging phone which is 'Solar Charger' has been choose. I proposed my title to my supervisor and he advised me to choose for another title that more latest and suitable for people nowadays.

CONCLUSION : The title for my final year project has been proposed to my supervisor and he asked me to do more researches so that i will have a suitable title for my project.

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