Thursday, 15 March 2018

Week 8: Design Block Diagram

OBJECTIVES : 1. To design a block diagram for the project.

METHODOLOGY : 1. Do a research on how to design the block diagram that related to the project.
              2. Propose the block diagram to my supervisor.


               INPUT                     OUTPUT    

Picture 13: Block diagram.

ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION : Based on the block diagram, this project consists of Arduino, relay, pump and a sensor which is moisture sensor. All of the components have their own function. Block diagram helps to determine how much input needed and how much output will delivered and also important for the process part. Based on Figure 4, the block diagram consists of input, operation/process and output. This project is using soil moisture sensor for the input. The soil moisture sensor detected the moisture of the soil whether the soil is moist or dry and it will send the data to arduino. For the process part, this project is using Arduino Nodemcu because it consists of ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module inside it which can help to send data to Blynk apps since this project is using IOT. Users can gained the information of the condition of their plants using Blynk apps on their smartphone.
            In this project, there are three relay and three pump for the output. Relay in this system will help to control any switching conditions that may occur between arduino and the output part. This prototype consists of three plants and three pump water because this prototype will have three different plants which this three types of plants required different environmental. So mean to say, plant 1 will absorbs more water fastly, speedily compared to other plants. For the pump side is that water pressure, it will pump up all the water needed to give which control by the user using Blynk app installed in their smartphone. 

CONCLUSION : A block diagram for this project has been design.

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