Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Week 16: (Chapter 3: Methodology)

OBJECTIVES: 1. To know the operation of this project.
            2. TO identify the function of the component used.
            3. To design a flowchart for this project.

METHODOLOGY: 1. Design a block diagram to show the operation of the project.
             2. Design a flowchart to show the flow of this project.
             3. Meet supervisor to ask his guidance on how to do the flowchart.


Picture 16: Block Diagram

Picture 17: Flowchart

ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION: Based on the block diagram, there are 3 sensors of soil mositure are used because for this project, it consists of 3 different plants. Therefore, three relays and three pump are needed for this project. This project will used Arduino NodeMcu because in the arduino it consists of Wi-Fi Module which will make this system more convenient to be used. The user can install Blynk apps in their smartphone and they will control their plants from there.

CONCLUSION: From this chapter, the flow of this project has been identified. 

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