Sunday 27 May 2018

Week 17: Submit proposal and draft of chapter 1,2,3

OBJECTIVES: 1. To finalize the proposal and draft for chapter 1,2 and 3 for submission.
            2. To submit the proposal to supervisor.

METHODOLOGY: 1. Completing all report writing before submit to supervisor.
             2. Add some extra information and point into the proposal.
             3. Send the proposal, draft chapter 1,2,3 and the slide of presentation in VLE.

RESULTS: 1. All the proposal, draft chapter 1,2,3 are completed and submitted to supervisor. 
        2. Blog writing settled before submission.

Picture 18: Proposal, Draft Chapter 1,2,3 and slide presentation submitted at VLE.

ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION: Before submitted the draft for Chapter 1,2,3, students are required to check the plagiarism using TurnItIn software which students cannot exceed 20% of plagiarism. After check for plagiarism, then i submitted the draft to my supervisor.

CONCLUSION: By completing the proposal and the draft report, basically this FYP 1 is finished for this semester. 

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